NAS® provides an advanced planning system, that takes into account:
- bill of materials,
- resources needed for the production of each (half) of the product (manufacturing cells, tools and staff),
- time needed to prepare the production cells, which may depend on material previously produced in a production cell
time and size of production batches, - individual work schedules,
- stocks of material needed for production.
NAS® automatically arrange individual production orders among production cells and assigns them time slots on ASAP (As Soon As Possible) or JIT (Just In Time) manner. The results is the occupancy review of production cells and other necessary resources, and forecast of the stock material levels (consumption and production based on the current stocks, announced acquisitions and shippings).
The operator can change the automatically generated schedule. With every change the system recalculates schedules, resource occupancy, materials stock levels and forcasts for all materials, documents and resources affected by the change.
The system allows the generation of any number of plans. Each plan can have its own schedules, resource availability and document set.